How to identify the best hair color for me

How To Choose Your Perfect Hair Color

Changing up your look is an exciting experience! Don’t let the fear of picking the wrong color discourage you from trying. Try our 4 proven expert tips to get the perfect hair color for you!

We’ve all had it happen. You try on a shirt or dress, and something looks off. It’s just not your style, or maybe not your color. Thankfully, it’s easy to switch out your outfit and carry on with your day. However, when choosing a permanent hair color, the margin of error is much smaller. “Fixing” the wrong color is not only frustrating but can be costly.

We’re here to help ensure your color comes out beautiful every time with 4 of our best tips to make permanent hair color less daunting.

1. Create Balance with Skin Tone.

If you’re not sure about your skin tone, look down at the veins by your wrist. Green-toned veins mean you have warm or yellow undertones. Blue-toned veins mean you have a cool or pink undertone.

Choosing hair color that is the opposite of your skin tone creates contrast. It can make a dramatic statement or simply balance out your skin tones.

Picking a color that is the same as your skin tone may seem like a safe choice, but that’s not always true. If you already have warmer skin with yellow undertones, adding golden hair may not create much of a contrast.  

2. Stay within the Two-Shade Range.

If you are searching for the color that looks most natural on you, stick with one or two shades darker or lighter than your natural hair color. This range will typically match your skin tone best.

Pro-Tip: It’s easy to color your hair as dark as you want. However, if you’re wanting to drastically lighten your hair, remember Naturtint permanent hair color can only lighten by one or two shades per treatment. Lightening more than two shades at a time can often create unwanted brassy tones.

3. Do a Strand Test.

Now it’s time to pick your hair coloring kit! Keep in mind that the pictures on the box are estimates of what your hair could look like. Because each person’s hair is unique it is impossible to predict if the color will turn out exactly like the model’s hair on the box.

The best way to predict your final color is to do a strand test before coloring. We know it’s really tempting to skip this step! But it’s especially helpful if you’ve never colored your hair before or aren’t sure how it will react.

Pro-Tip: We advise you to separate a lock of your hair, not just one individual strand. Also be sure you don’t mix the entire contents of the bottles for this test, as the unmixed portions should be reserved for your full-color application. Check your hair color kit for specific instructions on how to conduct the strand test.

4. Mix and Match.

Finished with the strand test? If you didn’t get the color you hoped for, don’t despair! With Naturtint hair coloring products, you can definitely mix and match our 35 colors to help you get your desired shade.

Carefully read and follow the instructions. Or if it all seems overwhelming, we’re here to give you customized help! Just contact our color specialists for FREE expert personalized guidance.

Changing up your look is an exciting experience! Don’t let the fear of picking the wrong color discourage you from trying. Try our proven expert tips to get the perfect hair color for you!

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